Ein Madchen namens Momo lebt ohne Geld und Besitz in der Ruine eines Amphitheaters am Rande einer grossen Stadt. Momo hat ein ganz besonderes Talent: Sie kann gut zuhoren und schenkt so den Menschen Zeit. Doch eines Tages kommen unheimliche graue Herren in die Stadt. Diese grauen Manner stehlen den Menschen ihre Zeit. Momo erkennt dies. Doch kann sie die Zeitdiebe stoppen?
A girl named Momo lives without money or possessions in the ruins of an amphitheater on the outskirts of a large city. Momo has a very special talent: she can listen well and thus gives people time. But one day scary gray men come to town. These gray men steal people's time. Momo realizes this. But can she stop the time thieves?
A girl named Momo lives without money or possessions in the ruins of an amphitheater on the outskirts of a large city. Momo has a very special talent: she can listen well and thus gives people time. But one day scary gray men come to town. These gray men steal people's time. Momo realizes this. But can she stop the time thieves?
ISBN: 9783126741040
150 000 UZS