Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel
Bei einem Fest gewinnt Zuppi ein kleines Schwein. Die drei Kinder der Familie freuen sich darüber, aber die Eltern nicht. Doch das Schwein darf als Haustier bleiben und bekommt den Namen Rudi Rüssel. Rudi bringt alles durcheinander: Die Familie muss ihn vor dem Schlachthof retten und sogar umziehen. Dann wird Rudi Rüssel zum Glücksschwein des Fußballvereins. Aber sein wirkliches Talent ist, dass er sehr schnell rennen kann – denn er ist ein richtiges Rennschwein.
Zuppi wins a little pig at a party. The family's three children are happy about it, but their parents are not. But the pig is allowed to stay as a pet and is given the name Rudi Rüssel. Rudi messes everything up: the family has to save him from the slaughterhouse and even have to move. Then Rudi Rüssel becomes the football club's lucky pig. But his real talent is that he can run very fast - because he is a real racing pig.
Zuppi wins a little pig at a party. The family's three children are happy about it, but their parents are not. But the pig is allowed to stay as a pet and is given the name Rudi Rüssel. Rudi messes everything up: the family has to save him from the slaughterhouse and even have to move. Then Rudi Rüssel becomes the football club's lucky pig. But his real talent is that he can run very fast - because he is a real racing pig.
ISBN: 9783126741057
150 000 UZS