Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten
Die Freunde Rico und Oskar sind grundverschieden: Oskar ist hochbegabt, will auf Nummer Sicher gehen und tragt deshalb stets einen Sturzhelm. Rico dagegen muss immer ein bisschen langer denken als alle anderen. Er ist „tiefbegabt“, sagt er. Als Oskar plotzlich verschwindet, deutet alles auf den Entfuhrer Mister 2000 hin. Rico muss all seinen Mut zusammennehmen, um seinen Freund wiederzufinden. Und ganz nebenbei klart er auch noch das Geheimnis der unheimlichen Tieferschatten im Hinterhaus auf.
The friends Rico and Oskar are completely different: Oskar is very talented, wants to be safe and therefore always wears a crash helmet. Rico, on the other hand, always has to think a little longer than everyone else. He is “deeply gifted,” he says. When Oskar suddenly disappears, everything points to the kidnapper Mister 2000. Rico has to gather all his courage to find his friend again. And at the same time he also explains the secret of the eerie shadows in the secret house.
The friends Rico and Oskar are completely different: Oskar is very talented, wants to be safe and therefore always wears a crash helmet. Rico, on the other hand, always has to think a little longer than everyone else. He is “deeply gifted,” he says. When Oskar suddenly disappears, everything points to the kidnapper Mister 2000. Rico has to gather all his courage to find his friend again. And at the same time he also explains the secret of the eerie shadows in the secret house.
ISBN: 9783126741064
150 000 UZS