Vorstadtkrokodile. Eine Geschichte vom Aufpassen
Die Vorstadtkrokodile sind die Bande von Olaf und seinen Freunden. Wer dazu gehoren will, muss gut Radfahren konnen und eine gefahrliche Mutprobe bestehen. Kurt sitzt im Rollstuhl und traumt davon, ein "Krokodiler" zu werden. Er scheint keine Chance zu haben, doch dann macht er mit seinem Fernglas eine Beobachtung und beweist, dass er genauso mutig ist wie die anderen.
The suburban crocodiles are the gang of Olaf and his friends. If you want to be part of it, you have to be good at cycling and pass a dangerous test of courage. Kurt sits in a wheelchair and dreams of becoming a "crocodile". He doesn't seem to have a chance, but then he makes an observation with his binoculars and proves that he is just as brave as the others.
The suburban crocodiles are the gang of Olaf and his friends. If you want to be part of it, you have to be good at cycling and pass a dangerous test of courage. Kurt sits in a wheelchair and dreams of becoming a "crocodile". He doesn't seem to have a chance, but then he makes an observation with his binoculars and proves that he is just as brave as the others.
ISBN: 9783126741071
150 000 UZS