Damals war es Friedrich
Zwei Jungen wohnen im selben Haus, gehen in dieselbe Klasse und werden Freunde. Gemeinsam erleben sie eine schöne Kindheit. Friedrich, einer der beiden Jungen, ist Jude. Sein Freund lernt durch ihn und seine Familie das jüdische Leben kennen. Tolerant und freundlich gehen die beiden Familien miteinander um. Doch als Hitler und die Nationalsozialisten an die Macht kommen, ändert sich für Friedrich und seine Eltern alles.
Two boys live in the same house, go to the same class and become friends. They experience a beautiful childhood together. Friedrich, one of the two boys, is Jewish. His friend gets to know Jewish life through him and his family. The two families are tolerant and friendly towards each other. But when Hitler and the National Socialists come to power, everything changes for Friedrich and his parents.
Two boys live in the same house, go to the same class and become friends. They experience a beautiful childhood together. Friedrich, one of the two boys, is Jewish. His friend gets to know Jewish life through him and his family. The two families are tolerant and friendly towards each other. But when Hitler and the National Socialists come to power, everything changes for Friedrich and his parents.
ISBN: 9783126741088
150 000 UZS