Herr der Diebe
Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter fliehen die Brüder Prosper und Bo vor ihrer Tante Esther nach Venedig. Dort nimmt eine kleine Gruppe junger Diebe die beiden auf. Ihr Chef ist der geheimnisvolle Herr der Diebe, der für alle sorgt. Die Kinder kennen weder seinen Namen noch wissen sie etwas über seine Herkunft. Im Auftrag ihrer Tante soll der Detektiv Victor Getz die Brüder suchen. Als er sie findet, ist die Gemeinschaft der Kinder in Gefahr. Und auch der rätselhafte Auftrag des mysteriösen „Conte“ wird alles verändern …
After their mother's death, the brothers Prosper and Bo flee their aunt Esther to Venice. There, a small group of young thieves take the two in. Your boss is the mysterious Lord of Thieves who looks after everyone. The children neither know his name nor know anything about his origins. Detective Victor Getz is supposed to look for the brothers on behalf of their aunt. When he finds her, the children's community is in danger. And the mysterious mission of the mysterious “Conte” will also change everything…
After their mother's death, the brothers Prosper and Bo flee their aunt Esther to Venice. There, a small group of young thieves take the two in. Your boss is the mysterious Lord of Thieves who looks after everyone. The children neither know his name nor know anything about his origins. Detective Victor Getz is supposed to look for the brothers on behalf of their aunt. When he finds her, the children's community is in danger. And the mysterious mission of the mysterious “Conte” will also change everything…
ISBN: 9783126741101
150 000 UZS