Die unendliche Geschichte
In einer Buchhandlung findet Bastian Balthasar Bux ein geheimnisvolles Buch: Die unendliche Geschichte. Er liest begeistert von den Abenteuern des Helden Atréju und dessen Aufgabe das Land Phantásien und seine Herrscherin, die Kindliche Kaiserin, zu retten. Je länger Bastian liest, umso mehr wird er Teil der Geschichte und schon bald ist er selbst in Phantásien.
In a bookstore, Bastian Balthasar Bux finds a mysterious book: The Neverending Story. He reads enthusiastically about the adventures of the hero Atreyu and his task to save the land of Phantasia and its ruler, the Childlike Empress. The longer Bastian reads, the more he becomes part of the story and soon he is in fantasy himself.
In a bookstore, Bastian Balthasar Bux finds a mysterious book: The Neverending Story. He reads enthusiastically about the adventures of the hero Atreyu and his task to save the land of Phantasia and its ruler, the Childlike Empress. The longer Bastian reads, the more he becomes part of the story and soon he is in fantasy himself.
ISBN: 9783126741118
150 000 UZS