"Wer ist eigentlich Carl Benz?
Bis heute ist das Auto aus unserem Alltag nicht wegzudenken. Seine Erfolgsgeschichte begann 1886 in Mannheim mit dem Patent-Motorwagen von Carl Benz (1844-1929). Wer ist eigentlich …? stellt den weltberühmten Erfinder vor, zeigt die spannende Entwicklungsgeschichte des Automobils und blickt in seine klimafreundliche Zukunft.
To this day, cars remain an integral part of our everyday lives. His success story began in Mannheim in 1886 with the patent motor car from Carl Benz (1844-1929). Who is actually...? introduces the world-famous inventor, shows the exciting development history of the automobile and looks into its climate-friendly future.
To this day, cars remain an integral part of our everyday lives. His success story began in Mannheim in 1886 with the patent motor car from Carl Benz (1844-1929). Who is actually...? introduces the world-famous inventor, shows the exciting development history of the automobile and looks into its climate-friendly future.
ISBN: 9783126742238
150 000 UZS