Wer sind eigentlich Rudolf & Adi Dassler?
Rudolf (1898-1974) und Adi Dassler (1900-1978) begannen ihre Schuhproduktion einst in einer kleinen Werkstatt in Herzogenaurach. Sie brachten es durch die eigene Freude am Sport, Fortschrittsdenken und Konkurrenzstreben zu zwei weltbekannten Konzernen: PUMA und adidas. Wer ist eigentlich …? beschreibt die besondere Beziehung der beiden Brüder, die zunehmende Professionalisierung von Sportartikeln dank technischer Möglichkeiten und befasst sich mit der aktuellen Bedeutung von Marketing in der Sportbranche.
Rudolf (1898-1974) and Adi Dassler (1900-1978) began their shoe production in a small workshop in Herzogenaurach. Through their own love of sport, progressive thinking and competitive drive, they made it to two world-famous companies: PUMA and adidas. Who is actually...? describes the special relationship between the two brothers, the increasing professionalization of sporting goods thanks to technical possibilities and deals with the current importance of marketing in the sports industry.
Rudolf (1898-1974) and Adi Dassler (1900-1978) began their shoe production in a small workshop in Herzogenaurach. Through their own love of sport, progressive thinking and competitive drive, they made it to two world-famous companies: PUMA and adidas. Who is actually...? describes the special relationship between the two brothers, the increasing professionalization of sporting goods thanks to technical possibilities and deals with the current importance of marketing in the sports industry.
ISBN: 9783126742245
150 000 UZS