Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivfuhrer
Jim Knopf lebt auf der winzig kleinen Insel Lummerland. Seine besten Freunde sind Lukas der Lokomotivfuhrer und die Lokomotive Emma. Doch fur Emma ist kein Platz mehr auf Lummerland. Die Insel ist zu klein. Weil Lukas sich von seiner Emma nicht trennen kann und Jim nicht von Lukas, verlassen die drei Lummerland und erleben spannende Abenteuer …
Jim Knopf lives on the tiny island of Lummerland. His best friends are Lukas the locomotive driver and the locomotive Emma. But there is no more room for Emma on Lummerland. The island is too small. Because Lukas can't separate from his Emma and Jim can't separate from Lukas, the three of them leave Lummerland and experience exciting adventures...
Jim Knopf lives on the tiny island of Lummerland. His best friends are Lukas the locomotive driver and the locomotive Emma. But there is no more room for Emma on Lummerland. The island is too small. Because Lukas can't separate from his Emma and Jim can't separate from Lukas, the three of them leave Lummerland and experience exciting adventures...
ISBN: 9783126741033
150 000 UZS